About us

The UN climate goals is ours.

Consistio Advisory Group (CAG)

Executive Leaders success is the Advisory Board

CAG national och international network

CAG consists of a carefully selected internationally discrete networld of professional people who share the same values, ethically and morally. We are a fully political and religious in-depended net-world.

We are unwaveringly apolitical and see every country on earth as a sovereign country or state. We believe that all people have equal value, regardless of color or race.

The purpose of the group is to: A) work as active board members within our customers business companies preferable on the nordic market, to ensure that existing companies growth and B) that high-tech ECO climate solutions comes forward and begins to be used immediately to decrease our climate problems and thereby take better care of our planet Earth.

CAG works as a complete body, this means that our networld together can in a professional way take high tech ECO climate solutions into the market for immediate use as soon as decisions has been made.

Services like these below is handled, through Our CAG NetWorld:

  • Find Senior Executives / Investors in Our business NetWorld that strives for the same goals and sharing the same values as Consistio Advisory Group does.
  • Find EXISTING High Tech ECO Climate Solutions
  • Find investors/partners that understands the urgency in investing in ECO Climate Solutions for Our Children’s and Our common planet Earths future.
We need Each Other in times like this to create a Sustainable World

Initiator of immediate climate actions

Our CAG Networld will also be the initiators of suggested so-called “spontaneous movements” which on their own immediately affect our climate positively through changed lifestyle and values.

Consistio Group is only working with partners that shares the same values and climate goals.

CAG – Senior Business men/woman – working for a Sustainable Social development

Contact: info@consistio.se