uiding lines:
Current and potential production capacity should be described here, as well as the technical level of your production methods and advantages in relation to your competitors.
Company’s own production capacity
• What proportion of your products are you able to manufacture in-house?
• Where does production take place geographically?
• What phases of production is the company responsible for?
• What proportion of your products is manufactured by sub-contractors?
• What phases of production are the subcontractors responsible for?
• How many sub-contractors do you use?
• Is the company dependent on them?
• What are you doing to reduce the vulnerability of your position?
• Describe the economic situation of your subcontractors.
• Are any of the sub-contractors dependent on the company?
• Relevant business ratios, e.g. production per employee, machine efficiency. How many employees are engaged in production?
• Are there production bottlenecks?
• If so – how are you dealing with them?
Production methods
• The technical level of your production methods and their advantages in relation to your
• Do your production methods require specially trained staff?
• Technical development of production methods and equipment.
• Describe purchasing and stock management procedures.
• Is production capital-intensive?
• Do you need to invest in production?
• Is there a potential for rationalising production?
• Provide production estimates and contribution margins 1 and 2 for each important product.