Guiding lines:


If the business consists of more than one legal person, a summary of the group structure should

be supplied.

Subsidiaries and associated companies

• A brief description of operations

– Turnover

– Results

– Number of employees


– Chairman of the board

– Stake in company

Type of company

• In what corporate form does the business operate?

Company structure

• Provide an organization chart showing company structure including parent company,

subsidiaries, associate companies and owner structures.

Operative organization

• Provide a chart of the operative organization showing number of employees and senior


Data security

• Are routines in place for continuous followup of data security?

• What contingency plans do you have for more serious disruptions?

Employees (2)

• Number of employees

• Number of employees assigned to different functions

• Educational background

• Other experiences

  • Average period of employment

(2) Employees are a company’s most valuable resource, particularly in a knowledge-intensive business. That’s why it’s a good idea to supply information about employees under a separate heading.